Prof. Chiheb BOUDEN

SpecialityProfessor at ENIT
Full professor at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) and member of LAMOED laboratory (Laboratoire de Matériaux, Optimisation et Energie pour la Durabilité), he led and coordinated several research projects on Renewable Energy Systems funded by the Tunisian government as well as different international funding bodies in collaboration with national and international research institutions. He contributed to the implementation of a new Master program (IMPRESA-TEAM, International Master Program on Renewable Energy for Africa: Technology And Management) at ENIT which aims to build the expertise and management skills needed to support energy transition in Tunisia and other African countries. He recently led the implementation of the first Tunisian-Bavarian Hub on Green Hydrogen at ENIT, which aims to popularize the H2 technologies, strengthen the link between academia and socio-economic environment, contribute in developing a strategic approach to promote Tunisia's position as a leader in Green Hydrogen and the related value chain, and to explore the opportunities offered using the country's renewable energy potential. Professor Bouden has occupied several decision making and managerial positions: Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research in Tunisia, General Director of Higher Education, Dean of ENIT....

Join his intervention

Wednesday, September 25,2024

10:30 am-12:00 pmSession 7: Green Hydrogen: Challenges, Opportunities, and Role in the Low-Carbon Transition