Mr. Samir MAJOUL

SpecialityPresident of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade, and Handicrafts (UTICA) - Tunisia
Mr. Samir MAJOUL is a businessman in the fruit and vegetable canning sector and held the position of Vice-President of UTICA before his election as head of the Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce and Crafts in 2018. He has climbed all the ranks within the employers' federation: SME manager, social negotiator, president of the national trade union chamber, president of a federation, member of the national transitional council of UTICA where he became an advocate for strengthening the representation of regions and federations in the executive office of the employers' federation. A former graduate of Paris Dauphine, Samir MAJOUL is a member of the board of directors of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce. He is also Vice-President of the Mediterranean Association of Industrial Tomatoes (AMITOM).

Join his intervention

Tuesday, September 24,2024

09:00 am–10:00am: Keynote Speeches