Mr. Mounir MAJDOUB

SpecialityExpert in Sustainable Development Strategies – Moderator – Tunisia
Mounir MAJDOUB is a Senior Economist planner. Secretary of State for environment and sustainable development in the Tunisian Government from January 2014 to February 2015. He is presently freelance consultant and facilitator. He began his professional career in 1982 at the Tunisian Ministry of National Economy as energy economist and planner. In 1985, he was part of the founding team of the National Energy Efficiency Agency (First Energy Efficiency governmental body in the Arab World and Africa). In 1992, he served as senior advisor to the Minister of Environment. Since October 1993, he works as senior consultant for organizations of international development cooperation such UNDP, USAID, AfDB, UN-ESCWA, UNOPS, FAO, World Bank, and GIZ where he occupied for more than 15 years the position of senior environ-mental policy advisor. His experience covers several domains: energy planning, energy efficiency and renewable energy, urban policy, environmental and sustainable development policy. His expertise covers the Maghreb region and Arab countries. He has a high level of qualification as trainer and facilitator/moderator. Member of the Strategic Orientation Committee of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS). Founder and president of the Tunisian NGO “Alternatives” for sustainability. Co-founder and current Vice-President of IRSET (Tunisian Institute of Corporate Responsibility). IRSET is the official coordinator of the UN Global Compact Network in Tunisia.

Join his intervention

Tuesday, September 24,2024

05:00 pm-06:00 pmSession 5: Circularity: A Catalyst for Decarbonization