Mr. Merouane CHABANE

SpecialityGeneral Director of APRUE- Algeria
Mr. Merouane CHABANE is an electrical engineer from the Polytechnic School of Algiers. He also holds degrees in electrical engineering from the National School of Electrical Engineers in Grenoble and in management and leadership from Mc Gill University. He was, among others, Chairman and CEO of the Algiers electricity and gas distribution company and Chief of Staff at the Algerian Ministry of Energy Transition and Renewable Energy. He is currently Director General of the Algerian National Agency for Energy Management (APRUE).

Join his intervention

Tuesday, September 24,2024

02:00 pm-03:15 pmSession 3: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Opportunities for the Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Mediterranean

Wednesday, September 25,2024

05:30 pmAnnouncing  the 2nd Edition of DecarboMed 2025 to be Held  in Algeria