SpecialityFocal point of the Green Climate Fund - Tunisia
Areas of expertise:
– Agricultural, rural and local development;
– Participatory development projects;
– Agricultural/rural credit and micro-credit;
– Local planning and financing of local development;
– Organisation and training of producers;
– Combating desertification and making land carbon neutral;
– Biodiversity and nature-based solutions;
– Climate change, the Clean Development Mechanism and climate finance;
– Environment and sustainable development;
– Monitoring and evaluation indicators, sustainable development indicators and the post-2015 SDGs;
– The cost of environmental degradation;
– Environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic environmental assessments (SEA)
– Environmental standards, the ecological footprint and the carbon footprint;
– The green economy and green employment;
– The social economy;
– Sustainable consumption and production and sustainable public procurement;
– Corporate and organisational social responsibility;
– Eco-tourism;

Join his intervention

Wednesday, September 25,2024

10:30 am-12:00 pmSession 7: Green Hydrogen: Challenges, Opportunities, and Role in the Low-Carbon Transition