Call for application for startups: DecarboMed
ANME, in partnership with national professional organizations (UTICA) and regional and international organizations (UNDP, European Union, GIZ, RCREEE, MEDENER, UNIDO, USAID, MEDREC, CBF), is organizing “DecarboMed 2024”, to be held on September 24 and 25, 2024 at the Hotel Laico. This is a major regional event focusing on mechanisms for decarbonizing businesses, namely technologies, services and access to financing.
To this end, the organizing committee is launching a call for applications to select around twenty Startups developing products and solutions related to energy security, environmental concerns and the risks associated with fossil fuels, and the growing competitiveness of renewable energies…
Interested startups must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Legal existence: The startup must be legally constituted and operational. Projects at the idea stage or in the early development phase are not eligible.
- Revenue generation: The startup must demonstrate that it generates regular sales. This condition attests to the viability of the business model and the company’s ability to capture value in its target market.
Advantage for selected startups: Selected startups will benefit from a free exhibition stand in the Startups Pavilion.
Interested startups should submit their application by registering via this link.ce lien.
The deadline for applications is 11:00 pm on September 07, 2024.
Selection will be made by the organizing committee.
For further infromation, and to make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to take your startup to new heights, we invite you to consult the information note attached to this call for application.