
The commitment to a decarbonized economy has become a growing global movement. This transition is driven by several factors, including energy security, environmental concerns and the risks associated with fossil fuels, and the increasing cost competitiveness of renewable energy. This decarbonization approach, which consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting more sustainable practices, offers many business opportunities for companies that adapt to it.

Indeed, decarbonization efforts play a crucial role in differentiating companies and making them more commercially attractive. Consumers have become increasingly committed to environmentally friendly consumption patterns with the lowest possible climate impact. Supply chains are adapting accordingly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This adaptation is driven mainly by the requirement of major buyers to their suppliers to present a low carbon intensity, use sustainable materials and align with environmental directives and standards even with higher prices for this added value. Similarly, investors, having their own decarbonization objectives, are scrutinizing the environmental impact of their investments more closely. The observation is clear: Developing a low-carbon strategy is therefore essential for companies to meet environmental challenges, have access to financing, and position themselves competitively in the international market. In the national context, Tunisian companies must make an additional effort compared to their competitors in other countries given the high carbon content of the electricity supplied by STEG (97% from Natural Gas) and the low electrification of the rest of the supply chain (transport, thermal utilities, etc.). However, these companies have a significant competitive advantage thanks to a regulatory and incentive framework that is favorable to the promotion of energy efficiency measures and renewable energies, as well as a wide range of services, equipment and financing that enable a more profitable low-carbon transition.