Mr. Raed AYARI

SpecialityGeneral Engineer and Head of Department at CITET – Tunisia
20 years’ experience in the field of the environment and sustainable development, in particular:  – setting up and managing national and international projects (EU, UNEP, UNIDO, GIZ, JICA, etc.) in the field of the environment and sustainable development,  -Supporting and training industrial and service companies to bring them up to standard, in particular by :  – setting up ISO 14001 environmental management systems, ISO 50001 energy management systems, SMI (ISO 45001) occupational health and safety systems, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) systems and labels, and Ecolabels (Tunisian Ecolabel and European Ecolabel),  – Carrying out Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies, Carbon Footprints/Balances, Water Footprints, Eco-design studies for products and Cleaner Production approaches,  – regulatory compliance in the fields of the environment, energy, CSR and OHS.  – diagnostics and audits in the fields of the environment, energy, CSR and OHS.

Join his intervention

Tuesday, September 24,2024

05:00 pm-06:00 pmSession 5: Circularity: A Catalyst for Decarbonization